Expose for the Highlights, Print for the Shadows - Photography Quick Tip #8
You should be setting your camera's exposure with the highlights in mind. Be careful not to overexpose important parts of the image by using the histogram. Exposing this way will give you the maximum amount of data to create better & more colorful images.
Next step is editing your photo. Its easy to adjust your shadows in Lightroom to have a full tonal range. Check out the video!
You should also check out my video Why You Need Perfect Exposure in Digital Photography that shows you what the effect of underexposure can do to an image.
2016 Update! Learn how your meter works with PHOTOCADEMY Lesson #3, Metering modes http://cazillo.com/articles/photocademy/466-master-guide-to-dslr-metering-modes.html and lesson #4 how to use your DSLR's Meter http://cazillo.com/articles/photocademy/467-dont-be-duped-by-your-dslrs-meter.html
How Exposure & Metering Works in Your DSLR Camera
Many photographers end up with underexposed images, sometimes its the camera on the wrong settings!
How to Hold Your DSLR Camera Properly
Watch this quick video to make sure you (and your friends!) are holding their DSLR cameras properly. I go over a few reasons why this is the correct method and how to properly position the camera while shooting.
Nikon D5, D500, SB-5000 & Lightroom Tips
PLUS questions about reflectors & is LARGE FORMAT photography making a COMEBACK???!