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2013 Cazillions Survey

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+4 # Zoe 2013-02-18 13:20
I like your videos and the concise information you provide. I would like to see a bit more Ligthroom basic videos, storage solutions, and maybe talk a bit more of the business aspect of photography.
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0 # Gregory Cazillo 2013-02-18 13:21
Thanks Zoe, did you add that to the survey?
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0 # Mike Swiech 2013-02-18 14:57
Thanks for all the hard work and information that you pass onto your fans. Been following you for awhile now. Thanks again for everything you've done.
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0 # Lawrence 2013-02-18 20:47
I really appreciate your insight and information. I am a Cannon user and that you add that information when appropriate helps a lot. I shoot a photo a day and use your information to help me become better in all aspects of photography.

Best regards,
Mr. Truck
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0 # Richard Strahin 2013-02-20 17:55
Hi Greg, Do you shoot basketball inside and if so ,your choice of lenses,please. I shoot a D300 and last night used a 24-70 instead of the 70-200 because of the weight, no tripods or monopods allowed. Results were not great. I set the camera on manual, 250 shutter speed,f2.8 and auto ISO. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
I have viewed several of your tutorials and they have been quite helpfu. Thank you, Richard
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0 # christene 2013-02-20 23:08
Your videos and Website are very helpful and informative. Thank you
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0 # paul 2013-02-22 14:13
best video was the histogram video as i had no idea to shoot to the right would be so important and now going back over my photos that were undee exposed must of lost alot of detail .. and the spikes i've been seeing is just my indoor lighting .. great stuff and no gimicks to get the point across
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0 # sheila verghis 2013-03-04 11:51
Have only started following your videos recently and find them extremely interesting and useful. Being an amateur photographer there is always something new to learn everyday. I do know its a vast topic, but some basic tips on post processing would be really appreciated. Thanks for sharing your knowledge on various subjects.
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0 # Jerry 2013-03-04 13:00
Great work we all appreciate it.
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0 # Max 2013-03-04 16:57
I would like to know more about the Golf photograph, the lighting used, and how it was set up.
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0 # Bob 2013-03-20 17:03
more ideas for forum categories... for canon cazillions (CC's)...for nikon cazillions( NC's)... how to build an effective to make money with your camera (gazilions for cazillions)
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0 # Buster 2013-03-22 07:34
Love your videos. Thank you for all the hard work and great info, Don't like intro music :(
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0 # Jose 2013-03-24 16:15
Just got out of auto mode forever thanks to your instructional video clips. Big THANKS...
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